The blog about nothing

Friday, February 18, 2005

What do I blog?.............

I think that half the trouble in the world is created by people making offhanded casual remarks like “When are you going to start your own blog?” The other half happens when people listen to these OC remarks. A friend of mine asked me the above question. Of course, I could have said, “never mate” and forgotten the whole thing. But, I have been contemplating joining the blogwagon and this question is pushing me over the edge as it were.

Anyway, I don’t want to do one of those I-got-up-at -7:00 am-today -and-brushed –my- teeth blogs. (Of course with me it is closer to 9:30 am). I want something special, like a “theme”, something that will keep the readers (both of them) coming back for more of the same.

The obvious idea is to write about one’s profession. (I am an "Assistant Marketing Manager" in a “software company”). I put this suggestion to said friend and while he did not quite say that it was the most boring thing he had heard in his life, it was implied all too clearly in the pregnant pause that ensued. Besides, he had just been reading a profession related blog as it were, about a call girl and I can quite see why “life as an AMM’ was not interesting enough. I did toss a few other suggestions at him but they were received with a similar coldness.

As I write this I am thinking, may be I should just write a blog about my conversations with my friend. I do spend time talking to him anyway. Now, I have to tell you this. I am a biggish Seinfeld fan and this idea of making some thing out of “nothing” really appeals to me. I must also tell you that I am quite lazy. So, this idea works well for me.

Besides a conversation between two intelligent, well-read, cultured people with their pulse on all that is hip and happening, should throw up some thing interesting. Ok, I can’t say two such people, but I can vouch that he is all of the above. So, fifty per cent of the blog should be worth reading. Now, all I have to do is toss this idea at him…………………..I have a feeling he will shoot it down. The way he always does.


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